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[招聘] 渣打集团金融市场软件研发中心2016校园招聘

发表于 2015-10-1 14:40:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Standard Chartered Financial Markets Solution Delivery 2015 Campus Recruitment

About GTO and FMSD:

GTO at a glance
The second largest group in the Bank, Group Technology & Operations [GTO] is also at its heart.
It lays the foundation for growth across all businesses and functions by making the Bank as stable and efficient as it can be today, while building a scalable model with the right systems and the right people, to respond swiftly to the challenges of tomorrow.

FMSD at a glance
Financial Markets Solution Delivery (FMSD) is a global unit that builds implements and supports IT solutions to enable the Financial Markets business of Standard Chartered Bank. The Financial Markets business, part of the Wholesale Bank, delivers a broad range of high – value – added financial market products to corporate, institutional and investor clients around the world, with a particular emphasis on our key footprint across Asia, Africa and the Middle East, supported by trading rooms in the world’s financial centres.The FMSD team of over 600 people is based across Singapore, Tianjin, London, Chennai, Dubai, New York and Hong Kong. Tianjin is the second largest site of this global organization.

Why join Standard Chartered?

We’re on a journey of growth

Our continued journey of growth marked by consecutive years of record income and profits [including the growth of our workforce] since 2002 in spite of uncertain global economic conditions.

Here for good is our belief

Our emphasis on sustainability, diversity and inclusion, and being Here for good in the workplace, our businesses and the communities where we operate.

We cultivate leaders

Our emphasis on cultivating our leaders internally and belief in rewarding performance and responsibility through relevant benefits and career progression opportunities.

We offer international opportunities

The breadth and scope of opportunities arising from our extensive global reach and well-established history, and as a result of our One Bank culture.

Be part of a positive change

The opportunity to play a part in creating positive and meaningful economic and social outcomes where it’s most needed, in line with our strategic intent to lead the way in Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

迷你编程马拉松-Mini Code Marathon
渣打(中国)科技营运有限公司,作为渣打集团全球金融市场软件开发中心,已于2013年5月在中国成功举办了第一届以“Code to Change—编程美好生活”为主题的编程马拉松大赛,吸引了众多计算机人才的热情参与。为了更长远地培养、遴选、吸纳具有软件开发及金融市场知识的综合性人才,我们将编程马拉松比赛推广为系列赛事活动,并于2014年12月至2015年1月圆满举办了第一届Mini Code Marathon(MCM)-迷你编程马拉松赛事,成功吸引了来自全国500余人参与其中,更多地了解金融市场软件开发的技术挑战,为中国现代化金融市场软件产业培养世界级中坚力量。
2015年10月,我们将继续举办2014-2015年度MCM-迷你编程马拉松系列比赛的第二场之“花儿与编程——与她同行,畅享编程”。在本期活动中,我们将以特殊的比赛方式展示对女性程序员这一日渐增多的群体的关注与重视。我们秉承渣打“一心做好,始终如一”(Here for good)的信念,诚招全国各地对金融市场业务以及软件开发感兴趣的计算机、经济、金融等各类编程爱好者和专业人才接受挑战,用自己的实力赢取千元美金大奖并获取加入渣打集团金融市场软件开发中心的机会。此外,本次比赛首次针对应届高校毕业生设立校园招聘绿色通道,参赛并获得最终奖项的选手将会获邀参加渣打科营中心的Tech Super Day,并跳过校园招聘的初试环节获得终极面试资格;获最终奖项的有工作经验的专业人才也将有机会获得渣打科营中心的面试机会。
-时间安排:本期比赛将于10月上旬进行网络预选赛;10月24-10月25日进行线下比赛,并邀请最终获奖者参加渣打科营中心Tech Super Day活动。
光能感应和环保大厦管理系统, 动作识别系统,智能温度、照明控制系统,太阳能风能转换照明系统.....
 楼主| 发表于 2015-10-8 18:26:11 | 显示全部楼层

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