霍尼韦尔(中国)2016校园招聘,期待您的加入! 你,未来的顶尖人物!我,现在的鼎力相助! 一、 公司介绍 霍尼韦尔(Honeywell)是一家《财富》100强之一的多元化、高科技的先进制造企业,在全球,其业务涉及航空产品和服务,楼宇、家庭和工业控制技术,涡轮增压器以及特性材料。霍尼韦尔在华的历史可以追溯到1935年。当时,霍尼韦尔在上海开设了第一个经销机构。目前,霍尼韦尔三大业务集团均已落户中国,旗下所辖的所有业务部门的亚太总部也都已迁至中国,并在中国的20多个城市设有多家分公司和合资企业。霍尼韦尔在中国的员工人数现约12,000名。 欲了解更多信息,请访问www.honeywell.com.cn 二、 网申地址 http://www.dajie.com/corp/1004420/project/57273 职位信息: Project Engineer Description: 1. Ensures that required prerequisites (e.g. design inputs, tools, and documentation) are in pla ce prior to commencing work 2. Produces part(s) of total functional design specifications under supervise 3. Produces technical design specifications under supervision 4. Executes Implementation work assignments to appropriate standards and quality systems 5. Executes Test work assignments to appropriate standards and quality systems 6. Executes Documentation work assignments to appropriate standards and quality systems 7. Shares technical knowledge with project team, supervisor, own discipline and other engineering disciplines 8. Reports progress and technical problems to project and engineering supervisor. 9. Pro-actively identifies potential quality and efficiency improvements within assigned work. 10. Other task assigned by leader Qualifications: 1. Bachelor Degree in computer related major or automation 2. Diligent, Persistence, can work under pressure 3. Stable and responsible 4. Have a good communication skills 5. Have a good command on spoken and written Korean or Japanese language 6 .Basic English skills in writing, speaking and listening 7. A Good Team member 职位申请地址: 工作地天津:http://job.dajie.com/ffbad243-008a-45ab-bb02-910c22ebd24a.html 工作地重庆:http://job.dajie.com/c1f0bcd4-ba13-4af4-acb1-e6507ea33bba.html 三、 宣讲会信息 2015年9月,霍尼韦尔各主要业务的技术、业务和人力资源管理高管将前往各高校参加宣讲活动,与您进行面对面交流。参加宣讲会和现场参与互动的同学,还有机会领取丰富的奖品。 以下是霍尼韦尔校园宣讲的城市和学校,我们也将在招聘网页中及时更新详细的时间地点等信息,请及时关注。 四、 温馨提示 您所提交的简历将由专人进行仔细评阅与筛选,我们将与符合条件的应聘者取得联系。面试通知将在各校宣讲会结束后发出,请留意您的 E-mail 及联系电话。更多详细信息,欢迎关注大街网“霍尼韦尔(中国)2016校园招聘”专题网页或关注微信“霍尼韦尔招聘”(公众号:HoneywellCareers)。 “霍”出精彩,拭目以待!